Saturday, June 15, 2024

The birth of a thought.

This is an older digital work I did back around 2017 or so. I always liked this one and the simple loose style. Actually, this may even be a bit older now that I think about it, It was done on my old first generation iPad with some free paint software I downloaded. Pulled it back up on the computer today and added a little digital noise to break up the flatness. Love the thick round loose black line work.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The all-seeing eye box.

The all-seeing eye box. It knows all, it sees all. Something fun while of course just messing around. No filters, no unique brushes, no added distress that I usually like to do, just kept this one as simple and clean as possible. Digital with just a couple of dry brush weights.

Friday, June 7, 2024

You are in some sort of flux.

You are in some sort of flux. Something that constantly changes. Feel like I'm in a major flux now. Digital scribble done in Photoshop, using mainly stock flat brushes.

Saturday, June 1, 2024


Petals. Still life with flying insect. More Photoshop fun! Drew this bug a couple of times, clipped this one from another art piece I did. Not sure what kind of bug it is; but it has wings, so it flies.