Friday, April 26, 2024

It's in the soil

Spent a few hours the last two nights playing around with this one in Photoshop. The flower pattern was done in Illustrator and then I copied and pasted it in. Lately I have been experimenting with using clean vector graphics in contrast with very loose digitally painted elements; gonna keep messing with this as well as the distressed touches. Also playing with layer color filters, First and last photo.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

420 Adventure

Not one of my better artworks, but had it lying around from about 2020 and never posted it. But here it is on 420... 2024. Added a motion blur filter last minute from one of the social sites and thought it worked well considering the topic!


Mood? I don't know what to call this? Also I'm learning and thinking more about how naming a piece of art can and may influence an audience to preconceive a feeling or thought as to what the message or meaning of the art is? I like the idea of the viewer forming their own option as to what they feel the art is saying. I had a friend look at it online and he said, "Hot and Cold". Not at all what I was thinking, but I'll buy that!

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Trash Talk

Bought some new markers and a scribble pad at the Dollar store, was testing the markers on the pad and this image came out (second photo). Just a random sketch, but I like it. Brought it into Photoshop and turned it into digital graffiti (first photo). Enjoy!