Sunday, February 18, 2024

Art dump...

It's been a few since I posted last, and I have done a few pieces that I have already posted to all my social media sites, hence the art dump. Lately I have been trying to just jump into starting something and work real loose. It started with the piece "why?" from the Feb. 7 post, using the oil brushes & tighter line brushes in Photoshop, and this has been the result from the last week or so. I think i'm trying to find the magic style that everyone will go "wow, great!" but, it's not happening. Putting your art on social media sucks, at least with me, where I'm at now, no response. Or if there is a response, it is completely different on different social platforms. But, truth be told, what I do know in my heart is, I will probably newer have a set "style". As stuff pops in my head to create, a way to do it forms as well; wether loose or tight, cartoonish or graphic, simple or complicated, my idea also creates the style I want to do the work in. I have to keep telling myself to do the art for "myself" and not anyone else. That's all that really matters.

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