Friday, May 31, 2024

Linear talk at the water cooler

You never know where you'll be, standing around, or at the water cooler; when suddenly, your hit with an epiphany, or life altering thought... I kept the original first rough sketch in this finished piece, or as finished as it's gonna get. I like it, adds to the texture and looseness to it. As always, I'm going to play around with it some more.

Monday, May 27, 2024

GO - ride or die, you are born to fly

GO - ride or die, you are born to fly... and other positive stuff. I think I just start scribbling, like with this skull; and I'm not sure where I want to go with it, so I just start adding stuff. Played with this one a couple time just layering elements and textures over each other. Kinda like how the "go" button in black balances all the crap on the right side. I wonder if people will try to click it? 😁

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Love + Death are gumball machine toys.

Finally had a day to sit and scribble, first day in a long time. It's fast and loose, but I like how it turned out, and I had fun!
My reference was a toy squirrel; but, I think love and death are a bit more interesting. Done in Photoshop. Maybe put this on a shirt?